What was your mortgage situation prior to starting with Replace Your Mortgage?
We had a 30-year mortgage at $248,000.
When we started with RYM, the remaining principal balance was $230,000 from 5 years of payments.
What is the current status of your HELOC and how many months did it take you to achieve it?
After 10 months of using this strategy, we have reduced the principal by $17,000.
What was your biggest concern when deciding to join RYM?
Our biggest concern was this is a different way of banking.
It's odd looking at my checking account and seeing a zero balance. And living off of a credit card is totally opposite of what I was taught growing up.
After looking over my mortgage amortization chart and realizing that, not only do I pay my house off, but I buy the bank one also, just chapped my ass.
The math was with RYM sound and speaking with Randy drove it home for my wife and I.
How has using the RYM strategy changed your life?
RYM has changed our lives for the better. Everything being automated is a nice thing for sure.
What advice would you give to a homeowner considering trying the RYM strategy?
Have an open mind and go for it.
What was your mortgage situation prior to starting with Replace Your Mortgage?
We started with a 25-year mortgage with $150,000 and about $150,000 in other debt.
What is the current status of your HELOC and how many months did it take you to achieve it?
Our HELOC balance has barely gone down over this year (we've only lowered the balance by $2,000), BUT we've used the strategy to pay off most of our debt. Once we get this other debt paid off, we'll start driving down the HELOC balance.
We've also increased our cash flow over this year from $500 per month to $2,600 per month.
We started with very little equity.
What was your biggest concern when deciding to join RYM?
We were nervous about spending on advice when we could spend that money to pay off debt.
How has using the RYM strategy changed your life?
RYM had really opened my eyes to how banking and personal finance ACTUALLY works. These concepts are vitally important to financial health, and nobody ever taught me this before.
It helped secure my family’s future, not just now but for my son as he grows up.
What advice would you give to a homeowner considering trying the RYM strategy?
The longer you delay, the more it costs you. Do the math. Numbers don't lie.