Michael Lush

How To Start An Online Business Like Replace Your Mortgage

Date: April 19th, 2020

From: David "Tired of this shutdown" Dutton

Location: About 8 minutes from Franklin, TN

Pictured above is my daughter and I in our driveway. This is a chalk drawing her and her friends created.

Did you know chalk is the new toilet paper? Try finding it. Who knew?

By the way, please look past the beer gut. I am blaming Covid-19 and the gym being closed for that.

For the folks that do not know me, my name is David Dutton. I am the co-founder of Replace Your Mortgage. I work more behind the scenes doing the marketing for our company which I enjoy.

I have been making a living online for about seventeen years now. I have sold all kinds of information products, advertising and made money with affiliate marketing. I have also written seven books.

Making money online is my dream business. The world is my marketplace and the store never closes.

I remember making my first $47 online selling a software as an affiliate back in bible college days. This was around 2001. I made the money while sleeping and have no idea who the person was who purchased the software.

I have been hooked ever since. I have made millions from owning online businesses.

With the impact that Covid-19 has had on the world, it has caused people to rethink how they work and just their lives in general.

Many are now looking at other ways to make money. They don't want to just make money but to do it with something that they are passionate about and has a purpose.

Here's why running an online business is the best kind of business.

  • Online business is Profitable. The beauty of the business is that you can set up systems that create a passive income for you. And with high demand for products, a very low overhead and a potential for big revenue, online business can be very profitable!
  • Online business is Passion-Filled. This is one of the best ways to take what you know and turn it into money in the bank. It doesn’t even feel like working when you’re sharing your knowledge with others over a topic you’re passionate about!
  • Online business is Purposeful. If you want to make a difference and really help people, then there’s no better way to do it than through online business. That’s because you get the opportunity to focus on niches you really care about. There’s no better feeling in the world than knowing you helped someone solve their problem!
  • Online business is Portable. You can do this from just about anywhere that you can get an internet connection – from your living room couch to the beach of a tropical paradise!

Now here’s the thing…

Most people who try to set up or scale an online business end up stumbling or even outright failing because they get overwhelmed. They start focusing on the wrong things. And they waste time and money chasing strategies that don’t work or that they don’t need.

That’s where Businessentials comes in

This is a course I created to help our Replace Your Mortgage clients start making money online like we do at Replace Your Mortgage.

If you are not familiar with the success of RYM, let me share some information with you.

  • We have over 5,000 clients that we are helping to pay off their home in 5-7 years.
  • We have over 30 million views on our Youtube channel
  • We have made millions of dollars since we started the company.

I tell you that because I know what I am talking about when it comes to making money online.

If you have any interest at all in creating an online business that you can run from home or on the beach somewhere, you owe it to yourself to check out my eight essentials for creating a dream business today.


If you decide to order my Bussinessentials course by THURSDAY APRIL 23, 2020, I will also include this valuable bonus.

  • You will get to join a free zoom strategy call with myself answering your questions on making money online.


  •  After your purchase, please forward your receipt to and I will get you instructions to attend the call.


Michael Lush

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Disclaimer: Replace Your Mortgage does not offer mortgages, Helocs, or loans of any kind. Replace Your Mortgage is not a bank, and does not provide credit offers. Replace Your Mortgage is strictly for educational and informational purposes only.
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