Michael Lush

How Brandon in Missouri Paid Off $49,000 of Principal in 10 Months

What was your mortgage situation prior to starting with Replace Your Mortgage?

We had a 30-year mortgage.

When we joined RYM, our balance was $278,000 after making our monthly payment for approximately 2 years.

What is the current status of your HELOC and how many months did it take you to achieve it?

After 10 months of using our HELOC, our balance is currently $229,000.

What was your biggest concern when deciding to join RYM?

We were worried RYM was "too good to be true."

I also worried that I wouldn't understand the strategy enough to be able to make it work.

And I worried that I wouldn't qualify for a HELOC that would meet the criteria.

How has using the RYM strategy changed your life?

RYM has absolutely changed my life. I was shocked at how quickly the principal balance was falling. To see my balance at $50,000 less than what it was after just 10 months is mind-blowing.

What advice would you give to a homeowner considering trying the RYM strategy?

I've told a number of people about this and how much of a game changer it is. You are throwing money away by using a conventional mortgage. Let RYM walk you through step-by-step how to do this.

Michael Lush

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Disclaimer: Replace Your Mortgage does not offer mortgages, Helocs, or loans of any kind. Replace Your Mortgage is not a bank, and does not provide credit offers. Replace Your Mortgage is strictly for educational and informational purposes only.
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