Michael Lush

How Marty in New York Paid Down $65,000 in Principal in 2 Years

What was your mortgage situation prior to starting with Replace Your Mortgage?

We had a 30-year mortgage with a starting balance of $289,000.

We had been paying $200 / month of mortgage insurance for 2 years and wanted a faster way to pay off our house without losing access to our money.

What is the current status of your HELOC and how many months did it take you to achieve it?

In the past 9 months, we have taken our mortgage from $280,000 to $205,000. We have enough put into our HELOC already that we are able to afford a new pool.

What was your biggest concern when deciding to join RYM?

I thought it might be too good to be true, and I'm still nervous about how it will affect me come tax time.

How has using the RYM strategy changed your life?

It has given me the freedom to pay off my house as fast as I want without worrying that I have paid in too much and can't get the money back out if I need it.

What advice would you give to a homeowner considering trying the RYM strategy?

Figure out how you want to use your money and how badly you don't want to be a slave to your mortgage payments.

Michael Lush

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Disclaimer: Replace Your Mortgage does not offer mortgages, Helocs, or loans of any kind. Replace Your Mortgage is not a bank, and does not provide credit offers. Replace Your Mortgage is strictly for educational and informational purposes only.
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