Michael Lush

How This Murfreesboro Realtor Is Beating The Banks And How He Reduced His Pay-off Date By 26 Years

Elliot Hallum, a Williamson county realtor, used to be the guy slaving away to pay off his mortgage (like most people) with dreams to own some investment properties; now he has access to cash for those promising real estate deals.

No, he didn’t win the lottery or increase his income, he simply learned how to better use his current assets to FIGHT INTEREST and pay off his principle more quickly.

Let’s take a look at what changed for Elliot:

The Big “Death Pledge” Problem:

Elliot Hallum used to be an average guy with a standard 30-year mortgage, working himself to the bone to pay it off.

Unfortunately, this debt that hundreds of millions of Americans have to incur was keeping Elliot from pursuing his true passion:

“When I don't have a mortgage to pay, I don't have to work for money. I can work because I like doing what I'm doing which is helping people find, buy, and sell real estate investment properties that create passive income”


Elliot always had a knack for finding killer real estate deals...trouble was, he never had the liquidity to capitalize on them HIMSELF. He always had to pass the opportunity along to “the guys with the big bucks.”

This really bothered Elliot. He studied the numbers and knew his income wasn’t the was his MORTGAGE:

“I understood the amount of money I was spending on interest would DOUBLE what I was paying for my home with a standard 30 year mortgage.”


The reason banks say these are “the norm” is because they make a TON of money from mortgages...that’s why they push them so hard.

Luckily, Elliot decided to investigate other options...and that’s when he learned about Home Equity Lines Of Credit (HELOCs for short)

The Solution:

A HELOC is a less-well known type of financial product that allows you to utilize the full amount of your assets to FIGHT INTEREST and pay off larger chunks of your home’s principle QUICKLY.
It’s what the wealthy have been using for YEARS and the tool Elliot used to shorten his payoff period from 27 years.

So why haven’t you heard of them?

Because banks don’t make money from them. Banks are in the business of making money so they sell the most profitable product...which results in you paying nearly twice the value of your home.

They neglect to mention the products that are best for YOU, and that’s why we created Replace Your Mortgage.

In fact, here is a video of Elliot talking about the transition and his succes story.

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Who We Are:

Hi there, I’m Michael Lush and I’m a recovering mortgage broker who spent 15 years pushing standard mortgages.

I say “recovering” because three years ago I stumbled across HELOCs and, after going through the process myself, started teaching others like Elliot how to use HELOCs to pay off their homes in 5-7 years.

Since then, my partner David and I have helped over 525 people navigate the HELOC process and accelerate their payoff period.

How We Can Help:

Most people are skeptical when first hearing about us because "it's not what everyone else is doing."

Elliot was the same way and that’s why we told him to start small: We told him to get a copy of our FREE ebook to learn more about how the process works.

Once he saw that what we talk about is MATH, NOT MAGIC, he decided to make the leap.

Now he can use all of the money that would have gone towards interest payments on a standard mortgage to doing the things he really investing in HIS OWN REAL ESTATE DEALS:

“Right now, I'm maintaining a sizable amount of liquidity in the HELOC so that when a great opportunity arises I can pay cash and close quickly.

I'm not limited to properties that can get financing. That gives me an advantage over other investors.”

So if you're serious about finding a way to acquire more real estate investment deals (and not lining a bank's pockets by paying interest on your mortgage), subscribe  below to get your free copy of our ebook.

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Michael Lush

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Disclaimer: Replace Your Mortgage does not offer mortgages, Helocs, or loans of any kind. Replace Your Mortgage is not a bank, and does not provide credit offers. Replace Your Mortgage is strictly for educational and informational purposes only.
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